Tuesday, 6 June 2017


Parish Council Chairman Jan Strelczenie opens the Annual Parish Meeting in May 2017 while his Vice-chairman Bob Procter sits there doing God knows what!  
Strelczenie: Thank you all for coming.  What’ll happen now, meeting will commence and when it’s concluded we will move straight on with the Parish Council meeting.  So, Read and Agree Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 19th May 2016 as a true and correct record

The minutes are  … I’ll read the minutes out, they’re very sparse.  MINUTES of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 19th May 2016 at 7pm in the Village Institute, Hemingbrough.  Chairman’s Report.  The Chairman read out a statement giving detailing the Parish Council activity over the last year.  Finance Report.  The Clerk read out a statement giving details of the income and expenditure for the last year. AS THERE WERE NO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT THE CHAIRMAN DECLARED THE MEETING CLOSED.

Strelczenie: Does everybody agree that’s a true and fair record?

Councillors NOD IN AGREEMENT that the Complete Utter B******* read out by Strelceznie is a true and fair record.

It took two Parishioners to tell Strelczenie, Procter and the Clerk that residents WERE present at the Annual Parish Meeting in 2016, one still has a video-cam record of the meeting and told Strelczenie which two Parish Councillors were absent, Kinsella and Sedman, another had read out a statement at the meeting, and was here again this year, and the meeting was NOT in the Village Institute, it was in the Methodist Church Hall.

Aren’t Councillors listening to the garbage spouted in the meetings?  Will they vote for anything as being a true and fair record?  What the hell is the Vice-chairman thinking about in the meetings?  Are they afraid to open their mouths to correct anything in case they are bullied?  

Strelczenie was already in a foul mood because he had learned only that day that residents had exercised their democratic right to hold an election to fill the vacant seat on the Council, stopping the ‘Mates Co-option’ by the Donkeys and Sheep.  His evening was going to get worse when the subject of the Grass Cutting Contract came up.

/to be continued.