Sunday, 25 June 2017

‘Bullying and Insulting Behaviour

I did not want an acknowledgement on 12th May 2017 from Gillian Marshall, Monitoring Officer and Solicitor to Selby District Council.  

I wanted ACTION to stop the Bullying and Insulting Behaviour. 

I hoped she would have a quiet word with the Clerk to Hemingbrough Parish Council, Julie Leighton-Eshelby, whose duty it is to uphold Standards, or Chairman Jan Strelczenie, or Vice-chairman Bob Procter, or send a note to the Nodding Donkey Councillors reminding them of their duties.

Two Councils have happened since then, including the ‘Night of Shame Gagging’ in June.

Now, I want ACTION from Janet Waggott, Chief Executive, Selby District Council to stop the Bullying and Insulting Behaviour.

Perhaps Nigel Adams MP can help stop the bullying and Insulting behaviour at Hemingbrough.