Thursday, 30 March 2017

Snigger for the Camera! (1)

Councillor Chilvers supports request for Parish Council debate on possible effects ‘Hall for Hemingbrough’ proposal may have on village businesses. 

Chairman Strelczenie and Clerk claim ‘IT IS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PARISH COUNCIL’ in an outrageous effort to block his request.  

Strelczenie confronted with his own sniggering comment about the ‘Hall for Hemingbrough’ at a 2017 Council meeting!

Chairman Strelczenie:
So, what we saying then? 
We can’t really object and say ‘No’, we want it for a Village Hall, can we?

4-minute clip from the Parish Council:

January 2017 Parish Council Meeting
Hemingbrough Parish Council, 19th January 2017.

Chairman Strelczenie calls Item “9a) Consider planning applications received and decide on advice to Selby District Council:

1. (2016/1337/OUTM) Outline application for residential development of up to 21 dwellings (with all matters reserved) on land to the east of Street Record, School Road, Hemingbrough.

Councillors L Carstairs, F Davidson and R Procter left the meeting.

(Chairman Strelczenie) (Transcribed as spoken)

That’s the piece of land at side of Hemingbrough Hall to the east I don’t know what it is really That’s right, opposite Caulfield’s, … Woodlands House They’ve already got permission now to build eighteen houses in there

Anyway, so because we’ve already had the planning application and then it were withdrawn  Julie, (Parish Clerk) what she has done she’s wrote down the problems that we saw before and she’s done a report, do you want me to read it out, OK this is the objections we put in last time when it was withdrawn in January 2016 It’s the outline application for residential development for up to 21 dwellings with all matters reserved on land to the east of Street Record School Road Hemingbrough.

We strongly object:

1.       The development would extend the village and there is sufficient brownfield land within the village that should be used before a greenfield site

2.       The proposed development would cause a build-up of traffic pulling out onto the A63 from School Road. This entrance/exit to the village would need to be developed for any future traffic increase and a roundabout my also be required.

So that’s the objections from last time. Unless you’ve got owt else to add to that

(Cllr Drew & Cllr Terry) Same thing.

(Cllr Chilvers) It would be an ideal site for a village hall

(Chairman Strelczenie)  Well, I think that’s why Bob’s (Vice-Chairman Procter) (muttering inaudible) I think that’s why Bob’s left (the meeting with his partner Cllr Carstairs and Cllr Davidson)      

(Cllr Terry) It’s one of the few sites that could be considered for a village hall. And, if we are going to have a village hall community centre, that’s one of the most logical sites

(Chairman Strelczenie)  So, what we saying then? We can’t really object and say No, we want it for a Village Hall, can we?

(Cllr Drew) We raise the same objections (then inaudible comment)

(Chairman Strelczenie)  But we would have to raise the same objections to that village hall (sniggering)

(ensuing comments inaudible for public as Councillors and Clerk drop their voices)

(Chairman Strelczenie) Has anybody got owt else to add to that?

(Discussion continues about related matters, especially the dangerous A63 and village entrance/exit)        

Councillors L Carstairs, F Davidson and R Procter returned to the meeting.”


Procter and his fellow Parish Councillor Forbes Davidson want to build “A ‘State of the Art’ Community/Leisure Centre for Hemingbrough and the surrounding area (the Eastern CEF area and beyond)”.

Did Vice-Chairman Procter and two other Councillors leave the Council meeting to avoid objecting to a residential development where they may want to build “A ‘State of the Art’ Community/Leisure Centre for Hemingbrough and the surrounding area”?