Dear Parish Clerk
Ref: Parish of
Hemingbrough Historical Heritage Society – Receipt of letter regarding future
of the Memorial Garden
At last Thursday’s Parish Council, Councillor Drew spoke
about the subject matter as if the Council has agreed to take the Memorial Garden
into public ownership subject only to the completion of transfer paperwork. Most Councillors concurred.
Your minutes state the Parish Council “would take
over the site and cover any costs” without stating under what conditions. Councillor Procter called for all costs to be
identified and the Parish History Society (PHHHS) check all conditions relating
to the site.
I request that the Parish Council, not the PHHHS, completes appropriate
due diligence including a risk assessment noting especially the risk posed by
the flooded, old diesel tanks beneath the former Service Station, and the findings
be debated as an agenda item under full public scrutiny.
I object to any leading Council role being
taken by Council Chairman Jan Strelczenie as he acts for and leads the PHHHS.
I note that the Parish History Society failed in a recent
appeal for funds. This sounds to me like
an early bailout for a private organisation using public funds.
I also object to such a potentially risky and
costly topic being listed under correspondence and discussed at the very end of
the Parish Council. Earlier in the
meeting, the Chairman castigated a member for failing to define fully an agenda
I request your early response, please, including the
conditions under which the Council MAY in future take over the site. I have recorded a recent example of you
ignoring a request that may not have suited Chairman Strelczenie.
22 May 2017.